ATTENTION: If you are a Home Occupation business that is located in the City of Clovis AND made $5,000 or less, please DO NOT RENEW ONLINE. Please contact the Business License Department at Businesslicense@cityofclovis.com or by calling (559) 324-2112 for assistance.
Most business licenses accounts may be renewed online. Renewal notices are sent by email and also mailed, approximately 30 days prior to the expiration of your business tax certificate. If you cannot edit specific information or renew online, you must renew by mail or in person.
To update the owner, location, or name of your business, please complete your online renewal and then contact the City of Clovis Business License Department, at BusinessLicense@ci.clovis.ca.us or (559) 324-2112, for instructions on how to update your business tax account.
Please allow up to 10 business days, after completing the online renewal process, to receive your new business license.